Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sordid Dalliance

My toes clip the sea
And my arms reach for the sky
My mind on you here.

And when a fire burns
Or a cold wind snaps, it bites 
I will long for you

On dark hollow nights
I restlessly toss and turn 
Alone, I need you

Then, after tears rain
Pain seeps in, you never come
I cry out for none

I ask for my love
But you not one before me
I drown in sorrow


You kissed my hand twice
I remember to the day
You then kissed my face

We sat under a tree
And beneath the summer sun
In gold tinted haze

And I always laughed
For you a smile not enough
Left wrinkles behind

Smoking mild cigars
And telling secrets to you
Knowing what love was

It was never right
They said love is often not
And so we went forth 

I often feared loss
A grave consequence of love 
And you calmed my heart

Now not clandestine 
Delicate balance of souls
Pain in potential 


I left with good-bye
As things end in an instant
And I just felt numb

Change was unruly
And so the pain came quick, hard

And I wept freely 
Saved by a bottle and pen
Nights writing to you

I whispered your name
And I cried for your return 
My hopes unanswered

Time dried many tears
Calendar pages flew away
You now, a dull throb

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